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Red Hat's new Linux to hit the markets before March

Written by Kartik Satija on 12:35 PM

Red Hat plans to ship the next version of its premium Linux product on February 28, debuting major virtualisation technology but missing an earlier deadline by about two months.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 had been scheduled to ship by the end of 2006. However, the company began giving itself scheduling wiggle room in September, when Red Hat released the first RHEL 5 beta. A second beta arrived in November.

Well the delay does not matter much as long as the new release is locked, loaded and debugged before sending it out of the door and into the market.

One major feature arriving in RHEL 5 is Xen, virtualisation software that lets a single computer run multiple operating systems simultaneously. The technology's initial advantage is to let administrators load up a server more efficiently, but virtualisation in the longer run also holds promise for reliability and flexibility because virtual machines can be moved from one computer to another while running.

As far as competitor Microsoft is considered,it is working on another virtualisation competitor, code-named Viridian. It's due to ship within 180 days of "Longhorn Server," the server cousin to Windows Vista.

Let us see what does the new linux has in store for us.And it will be interesting to see that which virtualisation software turns out to be better.....Xen or Viridian.Let the game begin and let us sit back and watch!!!!

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